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Our company can provide you with Western Blot, Elisa detection, and mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) detection technology services to identify your protein in terms of immune activity, amino acid sequence, molecular weight, etc.



Package Prices

Experimental cycle 

Delivering Results

Western Blot*

20 usd/sample

80 usd /gel (9 samples + 1 marker)

3-5 days

WB result picture

ELISA test

30 usd/time

3-5 days

Test result data

Mass spectrometry detection

Request Quote

1-2 weeks

Monitoring Report


*GST and His tag primary and secondary antibodies are provided free of charge, and specific primary antibodies need to be provided by customers

Western blot technical service

Western blot, also known as protein blotting or immunoblotting, is a widely used technology in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, etc. This technology uses the specific binding of antibodies to specific proteins in tissue or cell samples to achieve protein identification and expression analysis based on the position and strength of the color band.

Western blot technology has the high resolution of SDS-PAGE and the high specificity and sensitivity of solid phase immunoassay. The selection of appropriate internal reference antibodies can correct the errors in protein quantification and loading, and the grayscale measurement can be used to qualitatively or quantitatively analyze the protein expression in different samples.

Experimental steps and service content:

1. Protein extraction, Bradford or BCA concentration determination;

2. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis;

3. Protein transfer to PVDF membrane;

4. Membrane blocking, primary and secondary antibody hybridization;

5. Enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) color band;

6. Internal reference correction, professional software data analysis. Provide film/pictures and complete experimental reports.

7. The customer provides the primary antibody or the company purchases it on behalf of the customer. The internal reference antibody is provided by the company. 1,200 yuan/membrane (1-9 samples). Protein identification service without the use of internal reference antibodies is 500 yuan/membrane (1-9 samples).

Service characteristic 

Service content 

Customer provided 

Delivery content 


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08:30 - 17:30

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